Alumni-seminar in Elgouna (Egypt), Mr Hassen Chaari represents the TDF e.V in this event

The technical university of Berlin (TUB) satellite campus El Gouna held an alumni seminar from the 9th to 16th of October, 2019.
TU Berlin Alumni from different parts of the world attended in El Gouna to discuss the topic of technical innovations in new towns in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region.
Practitioners and academics gave many presentations during the 8 days’ seminar.
Also, the organizers provided excursion to Hurghada in addition to visiting old and new Qena city in upper Egypt where the participants had the chance to visit Qena market and understand the urban fabric of the city to compare it with the new one.

New cities can be a great opportunity for innovations. Masdar city in the United Arab Emirates is an example of investing in new technologies, renewables, and sustainable solutions. However, practitioners can still provide innovative solutions that are not High tech-based. For example, passive architecture and smart urban design including street planning can save plenty of energy.

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Hassen CHAARI ---Enseignant-Expert à l'INSAT et à l'Université méditerranéenne UMLT ---Président de l'Association pour le développement de la recherche et de l'innovation ADRI ( / ) ---Président de l'Association d'amitié tuniso-allemande AATA ( Mail :,, Skyp :hassen.chaari2 Adresse : Bureau ADRI, Technopôle Gazala, Immeuble B21, RCH, 2088 Tunis Tel. 00216 24126620

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